PAGE 6-3
Using PreSelect
With the PreSelect feature you can select viewing choices in advance to avoid missing them. Use
PreSelect to plan your evening viewing; your DIRECTV PLUS System will automatically change
channels according to your selections and control your VCR for unattended recording.
To PreSelect a program, find an upcoming program you wish to watch and press the key.
PreSelecting Programs for Taping
If you have the HIRD-E2 model digital satellite receiver, you can utilize this feature commonly known
as StarSight One-Touch Record (OTR). Programs that have been scheduled to be taped
will be identified with a videotape icon ( ) before the program title on the on-screen
guide. If you do not want to have the PreSelected program recorded, press the key
again to change the setting to be automatically tuned to for viewing.
When using the Schedule To Tape feature the following steps must be completed for the
digital satellite receiver to perform unattended recording:
• Attach the VCR Control cable (see chapter “Setting Up Your DIRECTV PLUS System.”)
• Use the VCR SETUP screen (see chapter “Your Digital Satellite Receiver’s Menu
• Set your VCR to match the output of the digital satellite receiver. This could be either RF
(channel 3 or 4) or A/V (phono or S-video).
• Insert a recordable videotape of sufficient length in the VCR.
• Leave the VCR turned ON.
PreSelecting Programs for Viewing
Programs that are PreSelected for viewing will be identified on the on-screen guide with a check mark
(ü) before the program title. An additional press of the key will return the status to not
Canceling PreSelected Programs
To cancel a PreSelected a program, find the upcoming program you wish to cancel and press the
key until the check mark (ü) or videotape icon ( ) is no longer shown.
If the program is currently airing, you will need to delete the event from the SCHEDULER screen
accessed from the MAIN MENU.