P. 17
Q - P O W E R
4.4 Mains Protections
4.4.1 Inrush Current Limitation
Within approximately 2 seconds of the Q-POWER Amplifier being switched on,
the inrush current limiter will increase mains current smoothly from nearly zero
to nominal value. This value depends on program material, output level and
speaker loads.
4.4.2 Mains Over Voltage Detection
Mains Over Voltage Detection is always operative. When the mains voltage
exceeds approx. 263 V (230 V operation) or 137 V (120 V operation), the ampli
fier will switch off. When the mains voltage returns to nominal value a soft start
4.4.3 Mains Failure Detection
Mains Failure Detection is always operative. When the mains supply is interrupt-
ed for about 2 mains cycles, the amplifier will switch off. When the mains voltage
returns to a normal value a soft start occurs.
4.4.4 Fuse Protection
The fuse protection circuit prevents amplifier shut-down (e.g. by a blown mains
fuse or a triggered circuit breaker) during extremely hard use with all channels
working at very high output power. Without intelligent mains current monitor-
ing and control this could easily happen as the rated output power is several
times higher than the capabilities of the standard mains supply.
In order to prevent any shutdown in extreme situations the amplitude of the
input signals will be reduced which will in return also reduce the mains current
4.5 Main SMPS Protections
4.5.1 Over Current Protection
The main SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) transformer current of your
Q-POWER Amplifier is continuously monitored. If over current occurs the main
SMPS immediately stops working. Should there be an internal failure this feature
prevents other parts from being damaged.
4.5.2 Thermal Protection
If the temperature of the main SMPS transformer exceeds 90 °C, the main SMPS
is switched off (safety shut-off).
4.6 Fans
The fans mounted in your Q-POWER Amplifier operate permanently, but as long
as the temperature remains below 40 °C, they run at their slowest speed and can
hardly be heard. The highest detected temperature from any amplifier channel
controls the speed of the fans. Above 40 °C the speed is increased until it reaches
its maximum value.