Audio / Video Submenu
Zone Power On Settings
1. Use Left/Right to select a zone to setup for power on set-
tings. Then use up/down to select an item to adjust. Use
Left/Right to adjust the item selected.
2. When the selected zone is powered on, how do you want
the zone to come up? This is where you can select turn
on input, turn on volume, turn on bass, treble, loudness,
etc. Every time you turn on this zone it will “Power On”
to specific predetermined setting. Last used will allow the
zone to turn on exactly how it was turned off, i.e. input,
volume, etc...
Page/Event Setup
1. Use Left/Right to select which Page/Event to setup. Then
use up/down to select an item to adjust. Use Left/Right to
2. When the EVENT happens what should the affected
zone(s)* do? The zone can switch to any shared input,
change volume, mute, etc.
*Note: Only Zones which have been setup under the
Zone(s) Menu to respond to Page/Event 1 or 2 or Both
will be affected by the Setup Page/Event screen.
Page/Events are described on page 22.
Zone Sync Setup
1. Use Left/Right to select which zone or group of zones to
setup. Then use up/down to select changes. Use
Left/Right to adjust between relative and absolute.
Relative: all volumes change relative to one another.
Absolute: All volumes sync to same volume level before
change is made, referenced from the zone the command
is received from.
*Note: The expression "linked zones" means the hard-
ware zones that make up a code-set group (i.e. the
logical zone "Downstairs" consists of the hardware zones
B - “Dining Room”, C - “Kitchen”, and D - “Patio”).
11 AAuuddiioo LLaasstt UUsseedd
22 VViiddeeoo LLaasstt UUsseedd
33 VVoolluummee LLaasstt UUsseedd
44 BBaassss LLaasstt UUsseedd
55 TTrreebbllee LLaasstt UUsseedd
66 LLoouuddnneessss LLaasstt UUsseedd
SSEELL ttooggggllee llaasstt uusseedd
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU mmaaiinn mmeennuu
11 AAccttiioonn SSwwiittcchh ttoo 88
22 AAccttiivvaatteedd bbyy CCoonnttrrooll 11
33 LLeevveell -4466ddBB
44 TTuurrnn ooffff ddeellaayy 55sseecc
55 AAffffeeccttss CCoonnttrrooll OOuutt
aanndd FFllaasshheerr OOuutt NNoo
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU sseettuupp AA//VV
11 CChhaannggeess rreellaattiivvee
wwhheenn cchhaannggiinngg vvoolluummee bbaassss
aanndd ttrreebbllee - lliinnkkeedd zzoonneess**
wwiillll cchhaannggee rreellaattiivvee ttoo
tthheeiirr ccuurrrreenntt lleevveellss
↑↑↓↓ nneexxtt iitteemm aaddjjuusstt ←←→→
MMEENNUU sseettuupp AA//VV