1. Set the Master Gain on the subwoofer amplifier (see Figure 6.1) to match
the output level of your main amplifier. This adjustment is both equipment and
room dependent and should be tuned by ear while performing careful
listening tests. Consult your dealer should you need assistance.
2. Set the Amplitude control for the room compensation to the minimum
setting. This creates a deep notch in the frequency response that
compensates for the major room node. This level can be varied after the
center "boom" frequency has been determined, for a seamless low-frequency
presentation without any dropout.
3. Now adjust the Frequency control for the room compensation to closely
match the room node. This is typically found between 42 Hz and 52 Hz. This
adjustment is also tuned by ear; listen for maximum low-midrange
transparency and speed of the bass response.
4. Now return to the Master Gain control, and adjust it to taste. Again, if you
require assistance with this procedure, please consult your dealer.
More refined empirical testing of room boundary effects and low frequency
tonal balance requires the use of impulse testing methods. Steady-state sine-
wave testing will reveal nothing about the overall in-room performance of the
system or comparative compensation methodologies. We highly recommend
the Audio Quality Test from Acustica Applicata, at Italian telephone 0583-
730322, fax 0538-730914, email: Acustica@forum.lu.it