DME Arcs
(Arc Assist)
DME-Arcs are usually used as a method for pilots to
intercept a flight plan leg, or a course to a fix. They
are sometimes used as a method for reaching a
subsequent fix such as a missed approach holding
The Apollo GX automates your DME-Arc procedure.
As you near the start of the DME-Arc rather than a
typical arrival alert, you are prompted that the next leg
is a DME-Arc and that you may use Arc Assist. Using
Arc Assist is optional. Pressing
ENTER will take you
to the ARC reference point page. Verify that the
reference waypoint is correct.
The CDI and map display can be used for guidance
along the DME-Arc. You may also use the Arc Assist
page for guidance to fly the arc.
1. When you receive notice of the next leg or your
flight plan is a DME-Arc, press
2. Verify the Reference waypoint is correct (if the
reference is changed, the approach will be
unloaded). Press
Arc Assist
ref: LMT vor
3. Verify the correct arc direction. You may select the
Left or Right turning arc with the
SMALL knob.
Left Arc dtk 031
ref: ILR vor
Rad 121° 131nm·
4. Use the displayed information to fly the arc.
Approach Basics (GX50/60)