Algolith VLD-1002-MD Stereo Receiver User Manual

Guide to installation and operation
Maximum Delay in Seconds & Frames
The maximum video delay per channel varies with the input video’s frame
rate, and is reached with the following settings in seconds and frames:
Maximum delay
Seconds Frames
480i59.94 24 15
576i50 24 15
720p50 4 25
720p59.94 4 31
720p60 4 31
1080i50 4 12
1080i59.94 4 15
1080i60 4 15
Video Delay - Apply
In order for your settings to be applied, you must check the Video Delay
- Apply check box. The video delay is not automatically applied to your
input video while you are changing the values in the seconds and frames
fields of the dialog box.