Aiwa CSD-ES365 CD Player User Manual

—-—— —w—
Tuner section
Frequency range, antenna FM: 87.5 -108.0 MHz Rod antenna,
AM: 530-1,710 kHz Ferrite bar antenna
Deck section
Track format 4 tracks, 2 channels/ Frequency range Normal tape”
50-12,500 Hz (EIAJ) / Recording system AC bias/ Erasing system
Magnet erase/ Heads Recording/playback head (1), Erasure
head (1)
CD player section
DISC— Compact disc/ Scanmng method Non-contact optical
scanner (semiconductor laser)
Speaker 100 mm cone type (2), 27 mm ceramic type (2) / Output
Headphones jack (stereo mini-jack) / Power output 2.5 W + 2.5 W
(EIAJ 7,00hms DC) / Power requirements DC 12 V using eight size
C (R14) batteries, AC 120 V, 60 Hz/ Power consumption 12 W /
Dimensions— 460 (W) x 184 (H) x 261 (D) mm (181/Ex 71/4 x 103/6
in.) / Weight 4.1 kg (9 Ibs 1 oz ) (excluding batteries) / Accessory
—AC cord (1)
o Specifications and external appearance are subject to change
without notice,
Speclf!catlons, trade mark and model name are marked on the
bottom of the umt.
Please check the copyright laws relating to recordings from disc
radio or external tape for the country In wh!ch the machine IS being
Seccion del sintonizador
de frecuencias,antena— FM 87,5 108,0 MHz Antena
AM, 530-1.710 kHz Aniena de barra de ferrita
Seccion de la grabadora de casetes
Formato de pistas 4 plstas, 2 canales / Gama de frecuenclas
Cmta normal: 50 – 12,500 Hz (EIAJ) / Slstema de grabaclon
Polanzac[on de CA/ Slstema de borrado Borrado magnetico /
Cabezas Cabeza de grabacion/reproduction (1), Cabeza de borrado
Seccion del reproductw de discos compactos
DISCO— Disco compacto / Metodo de exploration Exp[orador
optlco sin contacto (laser de semiconductor)
Altavoces TIpo cono de 100 mm (2), Tipo ceramica de 27 mm (2) /
Salida Toma para aut Iculares (minitoma estereo) / Salida de
potencia 2,5 W + 2,5 W (ElAJ7,00hmlos CC)/ Akmentacion 12
V CC utilizando echo pil,as de tamafio C (R14), 120 V CA, 60 Hz/
Consumo 12 W / Dimenslones 460 (An) x 184 (Al) x 261 (Prf)
mm / Peso 4,1 kg (excluyendo Ias pllas) / Accesono Cable de
alimentacion de CA (1)
o Las especificaclones y el aspecto externo estan sujetos a cambio
sin prewo awso
. Las especificaclones, la marca comercial, y el nombre del modelo,
estan marcados en la Iparte mfenor de la umdad
Compruebe Ias Ieyes sobre derechos de autor en relation con Ias
grabactones de la radm, disco o clnta externa del pals donde vaya
Printed in Hong Kong
Fiche technique
Gammede frequencies,antenne— FM:
87,5 -108,0 MHz. Antenne
bge AM 530-1,710 kHz. Antenne barre de ferrite,
Partie cassette
Format plste 4 pistes, 2 voles/ Gamme de frequencies Bandes
normales: 50-12.500 Hz (EIAJ) / Systeme d’enregistrement
Polarisation par courant alternatif / Systeme d’effacement
Effacement magnetlque / T&es —(1) tete d’enregistrement/lecture,
(1) t~te d’effacement
Partie Iecteur de CD
Disque D!sque
compact/ Methode de lecture Scanner optlque
saris contact (rayon laser a semiconducteur)
Haut-parleur Type en c6ne 100 mm (2), Type en ceramique 27
(2) / Sorties Prise casque (mini-jack stereo)/ Puissance 2,5 W +
2,5 W (EIAJ i’, Oohms cc) / Conditions d’ahmentation 12 V cc avec
hult piles tallle C (R14), 120 V ca, 60 Hz/ Puissance absorbee 12
W / Dimensions 460 (1)x 184 (h) x 261 (p) mm / Poids 4,1 kg
(saris Ies piles)/ Accessome Cordon ca (1)
. Les caractensques et Ies Iignes exterieures sent sujettes a
modification saris preavis.
. Les caractenstlques, la marque de fabrique et Ie nom du modele
sent indlques au bas de I’appareil
verifier Ies loIs relative aux drolts d’auteurs pour Ies
enregistrements depuls des disques la radio ou des cassettes
enregistrees clans Ie pays ou cet appareil est uthse.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply wth the Iimlts
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-
tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur In a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfer-
ence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the followlng measures:
,,. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
.... Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
Modifications or adjustments to this product, which are not expressly
approved by the manufacturer, may void the user’s right or authority
to operate this product