
Scan Tab
Includes the Mailbox, Job Templates, and Job Flow Sheets hot links. The Mailbox link lets you create
individual mailboxes into which you can direct scanned documents. These documents can then be
retrieved and printed, either at the device or locally at your workstation, as explained in the Scanning to
the Device’s Hard Drive (Mailbox) topic.
In addition, by using Job Flow Sheets, as explained in the Set Up and Use of Job Flow Sheets topic,
you can perform a number of actions on the documents residing in your mailbox.
Job Templates enables the creation and editing of individual Job Templates, used to direct scanned jobs
to Network Servers.
For complete instructions on how to create the default template (upon which user templates are based),
how to configure a scan filing repository, or how to set up a remote template repository, refer to Network
Scanning (using templates) in the Options section of this guide.