
Server Fax
Server Fax Overview
The Server Fax feature enables you to fax documents without having a telephone line directly connected
to your multifunction device. This is achieved by sending the documents to a separate, networked fax
server with its own links to the telephone system.
It is assumed that you already purchased and enabled the Scanning option. If you did not, contact your
Xerox Representative to purchase same. A hard disk and network card are required device hardware.
Their presence can be confirmed by printing a Configuration Report, as stated in the Configuration Report
topic in the Network Connectivity section of this guide.
The Server Fax option also needs to be purchased from your Xerox Representative, then enabled on the
multifunction device using a software key (see Enabling Options with Software Keys in this guide).
As stated in this section, you will be setting up a network connection to a Xerox-certified, third party fax
server (server running fax management software) which will receive, store, and redirect incoming
documents to the server's fax boards, or other destinations determined by fax server software setup.
Note: The FAX or Internet Fax (iFAX) features and the Server Fax feature are mutually exclusive. If
Server Fax is enabled, even if the machine is equipped with an internal fax board, scanning to the
internal FAX will be disabled. While the Server Fax feature is enabled, the iFAX service will also be
disabled. Also note that Mailbox to FAX (a Job Flow Sheet destination) and Direct Fax (LAN Fax) are
not supported when Server Fax is enabled. You can use Internet Services, however, to select which
Fax Service to enable, as described in this section.