Automatic Electronic Diagnostics
This water softener has aself--diagnostic function for the electrical system (except inputpower and/or
water meter ). The water softener monitors ele ctronic components and circuits for correct operation.
If a malfunction occurs, an error code appears in the display.
The troubleshooting chart shows the error codes that could appear, and the possible malfunctions for
each code.
While an error code appear s in the display, all buttons are inopera ble except the PROGRAM button.
PROGRAM remainsoperational so the service person can perform the Manual Advance Diagnostics,
see below, to further isolate the proble m.
Manual Advance Diagnostics --- Model WHES20
Use the following pr ocedures to advance the wa ter softener through the regeneration cycles to check
Liftoff thesaltholecover,r emovethe topcover byunlocking the tabsin the backand rocking forward,
to observe cam and switch operation during valve rotation.
1. Press and hold
PROGRAM for 3 seconds until 000 -- -- shows in the display.
2. The first 3 digits indicate w ater meter operation as follows:
000 (steady) = Soft water not in use, and no flow through the meter.
Open a nearby soft water faucet.
000 to 199 (continual) = Repeats display for each gallon of water passing through the meter.
NOTE: If you don’t get a reading in the display, with faucet open, pull the sensor from the valve
outlet port. Pass a small magnet back and forth in front of the sensor. If you get a reading
in the display with the magnet, unhook the in and out plumbing and check the turbine for
3. The letter (P) and dash (or dashes) indicate POSITION switch operation. If the letter appears, the
switch is closed. If the d ash shows, the s witch is open.
4. Use the
RECHARGEbuttonto manuallyadvance the valve into eachcycle andcheck correct
switch operation.
NOTE: Be su re water isin contactwith thesalt,and n otseparated by asaltbridge... see “Breaking
A Salt Bridge” section.
5. While in this diagnostic screen, the following information is available and may be beneficial for
various reasons. This information is retained by the computer from the first time electrical power
is applied to the face plate.