Set Water Hardness Number
1. Pressthe PROGRAMbuttononce againto displaya flashing25 andthe word “HARDNESS”.
2. Press the
Up or
Down buttons to set your water hardness number.
NOTE: Be sure to enter the grains per gallon (gpg) hardne ss of your water supply on page 5, for
future reference. If your water supply contains iron, compen sate fo r it by adding to the
water hardness number. For example, assume your water is 20 gpg hard and contains 2
ppm iron. Add 5 to the hardness number for each 1 ppm of iron. In this example, you
would use 30 for your hardness number.
20 gpg hardness
2 ppm iron x 5 = 10 +10
Set Recharge (Regeneration) Time
1. Press the PROGRAM button once again to display a flashing 2:00AM and the words
“RECHARGE TIME”. This is a good time for the recharge to start in most households because
wate r is not in use.
If you want to change the recharge start time, p ress the
Up or
Down buttons until the
desired starting time shows.
2. Press the
PROGRAM button once again to return to normal operating display.
Start a Recharge
Press the RECHARGEbutton andhold forthree secondsuntil theword“Recharge” begins toflash
in the timer display,starting a recharge. This recharge draws t he sanitizing bleach intoand through the
water softener. Any air remaining in the water softener is purged to the drain.
If youhavequestions aboutinstallation,electronicprogramming, operatingandroutine maintenance...
call 1--866--986--3223, Monday -- Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.