b. Select the Enable auto unlock for user: check box if you want the WD Drive
Unlock utility to remember your user name and password for the drive and
automatically unlock the drive for you on this computer.
c. Click Unlock Drive.
d. At the Your drive is now unlocked prompt, click Exit to close the WD Drive
Unlock utility screen.
Changing Your Password
To change your password:
1. Click Go > Applications > WD Security to display the WD Security screen, Change
Security dialog:
2. If you have more than one supported My Passport drive connected to your
computer, select the one with the password that you want to change.
3. Type your current password in the Password box.
4. Select the Change password option.
5. Type your new password in the Choose a password box, using up to 25 characters.
6. Retype your new password in the Verify password box.
7. Type a hint to help remember your new password in the Password hint box.
8. Select or clear the Enable auto unlock for user: check box to signify whether you
want the WD Security software to remember your user name and password for the
selected drive and automatically unlock the drive for you on this computer.
9. Click Update Security Settings.