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6. Place a standard flat screwdriver through the
opening in the top channel into the slot in the
cylinder of the catch assembly.
7. Turn the screwdriver clockwise to increase
the ball pressure or counterclockwise to
decrease the pressure onto the door strike.
The ball pressure should be tight enough to
hold the door in place when the blower is
8. After the adjustment is complete, lubricate
the inside of the door catch cylinder.
NOTE: For units with serial number starting with 48
made before 8/13/07 and serial number starting with
54 made before 8/27/07.
Disconnect the
electrical power to the machine and
follow lockout / tagout procedures.
1. Remove the top front cover as outlined under
Cover and Panels in Removal and
Replacement of Parts.
2. Inspect the door strike to make sure it is
straight, and replace if bent.
3. Inspect the door catch assembly, and replace
if it is damaged.
4. Check for proper door alignment.
A. Doors should be centered in the cavity
opening and parallel to top and bottom of
oven as outlined under Door Adjustment.
5. With the door in closed position, check to see
that the ball of the catch is centered and
touching the door strike. If not, if may be
necessary to adjust and add a shim piece to
the door strike.