– 21 –
Before attempting any calibration, see Section 8C of
TEST (SG4D/SG6D) on previous page.
Calibration Steps
1. Place a thermocouple in the geometric center
of the oven cavity.
2. Set the ON/OFF/OVEN COOL switch to ON.
3. Set the temperature controller dial to 350°F.
Set the power control to 100% (10).
4. Allow the oven temperature to stabilize
(minimum three heating cycles).
5. Record the temperature at which the Heat
lamp comes ON (heating starts) and goes
OFF (heating stops). This is the control
differential. Heat lamp OFF temp - Heat lamp
ON temp = Control Differential.
6. The nominal control differential should be
less than 20°F.
A. If the control differential is less than
20°F, the temperature control circuit is
functioning properly. Proceed to step 7.
B. If the control differential is more than
20°F, check the temperature probe as
outlined under Temperature Probe Test
C. If the control differential is more than
20°F and the probe passes its' test
parameters, then temperature controller
is malfunctioning. Install a new
temperature controller and run calibration
steps again.
7. Calculate the average oven temperature by
adding the actual minimum temperature to
the actual maximum temperature and dividing
by 2.
Oven set to 350°F.
Actual minimum oven temperature = 335°F
Control cuts on at 334°F
Actual maximum oven temperature = 347°F
Control cuts off at 340°F
335 + 347 = 682
682/ 2 = 341 (the control is 9°F out of calibration)
340 - 334 = 6°F Control Differential
347 - 335 = 12°F Oven Temperature Differential
A. If the average oven temperature is within
+/- 5°F from the dial setting, no calibration
is necessary.
B. If the average oven temperature is not
within +/- 5°F, calibration is
8. Loosen the set screw on the temperature
controller and carefully remove the knob from
the shaft, without rotating the shaft. This will
expose the calibration adjustment control
access hole in the front panel.
9. Monitor the internal oven temperature and
determine at what temperature the control
should cut on to give you the required minimum
temperature (Example: 350-341=9;
334+9=341. 341°F is the temperature at which
you would wish the controller to cut on).
10. After allowing the oven to operate through
several cycles (minimum 3 cycles), monitor
the temperature as it falls to the desired "cuts
on" point. Using a small screw driver, adjust
the calibration adjustment until the controller
cuts on at the desired "cuts on" temperature.
11. The calibration control is adjusted clockwise
in order to increase the set temperature and
counter clockwise to decrease the set
12. The controller has only +/- 25°F of adjustment.
/4 turn of the calibration adjustment represents
approximately 20°F shift in calibration.
b. If incorrect, check temperature probe as
outlined under Temperature Probe Test
1) If temperature probe is functioning
properly and the temperature
controller failed the test in 8c above,
replace the temperature control and
check for calibration as outlined under
Solid State Temperature Controller
Calibration (SG4D/SG6D).