
Paste Block
After you have used the Block Cut or Block Copy option, move the cursor to the
position where you want the block of text to be pasted. Select Paste Block from
the EDIT menu and the block of text you defined will be pasted to the new location.
Clear Block
To erase a block of text, first define the block of text and select Clear Block from
the EDIT menu to clear the block. The defined block will be permanently cleared
from the document.
There are four options in the FORMAT menu. They are: Justify Left, Justify Right, Justify
Center, and Bold.
Justify Left
By default, the text is aligned left with the margin, Justify Left.
Justify Right
To align your text to the right margin, choose Justify Right.
Justify Center
To align your text so it is centered within your document, choose Justify Center.
Important note:
You will not be able to view the format you selected on the screen. It will be reflected
in the printed document. This is due to the differences between the screen size
and the printed document.
There are two types of fonts, bold font and normal font. If you want to bold a word,
place the cursor on any letter of the word, and then select Bold from the FORMAT
menu. The entire word will be bolded. You may also use your mouse. Click and
drag on the word you want bolded to highlight it. Then select Bold from the FORMAT
menu. Your word will be bolded. The Bold command also applies to a block of text.
After you have defined a block of text, select Bold from the FORMAT menu. The
entire block of text will be bolded.