A fraction will display on the screen. 3 multiple choice options will be given. Decide which
option is the correct answer and press its corresponding number or click on the answer
with your mouse.
An equation which involves turning a fraction into a decimal/percentage will appear on the
screen. Type in the answer using the number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter
key to confirm your answer. When inputting your decimal answer, place a zero before
the decimal point when the answer is less than 1. Example: "0.94" is correct. ".94" is
A ratio problem will appear on the screen. Type in the answer to make the ratios equal
by using the number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter key to confirm your answer.
An algebra problem will appear on the screen. Type in the value of “x” or “y” using the
number keys on the keyboard and press the Enter key to confirm your answer.
In this activity the PRECOMPUTER POWER PAD™ PLUS learning unit challenges you
to find answers to math problems that are presented as story problems instead of numerical
equations. The question will appear on the screen. You may type your answer or press
the Hint key to choose from 3 multiple choice options. Select your answer by typing in
the corresponding number, using the mouse or use the Up/Down arrow keys to highlight
your selection then press the Enter key to confirm your answer.
The unit will display an equation. Three signs < (less than), > (greater than) and = (equal
to) will scroll across the screen. When the correct sign is at the middle of the equation,
press the Enter key to choose the correct sign to complete the equation.
You can learn keyboarding skills through this helpful typing tutorial. This activity is divided
into Basic and Expert courses.
Basic Course
In the basic course, you will type the letters displayed in the upper right corner of the
screen. The hand and the keyboard on the screen indicates which finger should be used