
SSeerrvviiccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
If service is required:
1. Call your dealer or authorized service agency. The name of the
authorized service agency can be obtained from the dealer or
distributor in your area.
2. Have the following information readily available:
Model Number
Serial Number
Date of Purchase
Name of dealer from whom purchased
3. Clearly describe the problem that you are having.
If you are unable to obtain the name of an authorized service agency,
or if you continue to have service problems, contact Viking Range
Corporation at (888) 845-4641 or write to:
111 Front Street
Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 USA
Record the following information indicated below. You will need it if
service is ever required. The serial number and model number for your
oven is located behind the lower access panel.
Model Number Serial Number
Date of Purchase Date Installed
Dealer’s Name
PPlleeaassee rreettaaiinn tthhee mmaannuuaall ffoorr ffuuttuurree rreeffeerreennccee
RReeppllaacciinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy ((bbuuiilltt--iinn mmooddeellss))
Each built-in oven is equipped with a battery for the electronic ignition.
To replace the battery:
1. Locate the lower access panel on the front of the oven.
2. Remove the two screws located at the top of the access panel.
3. Locate the round black cap behind the access panel.
4. Unscrew cap. Battery is snapped in the cap.
6. Snap cap on battery and screw back into slot inside the oven.
Screws holding access
Lower access panel
Battery cap
9-volt battery
If unit fails to operate:
1. Replace battery
2. Call for Service