
PPaann PPllaacceemmeenntt TTiippss
•When using large (15” x 13” [38 cm x 33 cm]) flat pans or trays that
cover most of the rack, rack positions 2 or 3 produce the best results.
•Stagger pans in opposite directions when two racks and several pans
are used. No pan should be directly above another.
•Allow 1 1/2” to 2” (3.8 cm to 5.1 cm) of air space around all sides of
each pan for even air circulation.
•When baking on more
than one rack, it is
recommended to use the
2nd and 4th position for
more consistent even
KKiittcchheenn EEqquuiivvaalleennttss aanndd MMeettrriiccss
Equivalent Metric*
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons 15 mL
2 tablespoons 1 ounce 30 mL
1 jigger 1 1/2 ounces 45 mL
1/4 cup 4 tablespoons 60 mL
1/3 cup 5 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. 80 mL
1/2 cup 8 tablespoons 125 mL
1 cup 16 tablespoons 250 mL
1 pint 2 cups 30 grams
1 pound 16 ounces 454 grams
2.21 pounds 35.3 ounces 1 kilogram
*Rounded for easier measuring
NNaattuurraall AAiirrffllooww BBaakkiinngg
This conventional baking/roasting is particularly suitable for dishes
which require a high temperature. Many cookbooks contain recipes to
be cooked in the conventional manner.
Preheating the oven is not necessary when using temperatures below
F. When baking items which require temperatures above 250
F, it
is extremely important that you preheat the oven. For approximate
preheat times, see chart below.
UUssiinngg YYoouurr OOvveenn
TToo BBaakkee::
1. Arrange the oven racks in the desired position BEFORE heating the
oven. If cooking on two racks at the same time, use rack positions 2
and 4.
2. Turn the function selector to the desired temperature.
3. Press ignitor until a difference in tone is noted.
3. Place the food in the oven when preheated.
BBaakkiinngg TTiippss
•Make sure the oven racks are in the desired positions before you turn
the oven on.
•For best results, always preheat the oven.
•Do not open the oven door frequently during baking. If you must
open the door, the best time is during the last quarter of the baking
•Bake to shortest time suggested and check for doneness before
adding more time. For baked goods, a stainless steel knife placed in
the center of the product should come clean when done.
•Use good quality baking pans and sizes recommended in the recipe;
warped, dented, or burned pans should not be used.
•Shiny metal pans are preferred for baking items such as cakes,
cookies, and muffins because they produce light, golden crusts due to
heat being reflected by the metal.
•Glass pans may also be used for cake baking. Reduce the oven
temperature by 25 degrees when using a glass pan, but bake for the
same amount of time called for in the recipe.
•Pies are best baked in pans which absorb and hold heat. Glass,
enamel, dull-finished metal, and porcelain enamel finish give pies a
golden brown crust.
AApppprrooxxiimmaattee PPrreehheeaatt TTiimmee TTeemmppeerraattuurree
4 1/2 mins. 250
6 mins. 300
7 1/2 mins. 350
9 mins. 400