
KKiittcchheenn EEqquuiivvaalleennttss aanndd MMeettrriiccss
e Equivalent Metric*
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons 15 mL
2 tablespoons 1 ounce 30 mL
1 jigger 1 1/2 ounces 45 mL
1/4 cup 4 tablespoons 60 mL
1/3 cup 5 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. 80 mL
1/2 cup 8 tablespoons 125 mL
1 cup 16 tablespoons 250 mL
1 pint 2 cups 30 grams
1 pound 16 ounces 454 grams
2.21 pounds 35.3 ounces 1 kilogram
*Rounded for easier measuring
OOvveenn OOppeerraattiioonn
OOvveenn FFuunnccttiioonn SSeelleeccttoorr
Each oven has an oven function selector.
There are five settings on the selector.
•Bake: Heat is radiated from the U-shaped
bake burner in the bottom of the oven
cavity and is circulated with natural airflow.
This is your traditional bake setting. Use
this setting for baking and roasting on a
single rack, preferably in the center of the
•Infrared Broil: The broil burner at the top of the oven heats the metal
screen until it glows. The glowing screen produces the infrared heat,
searing the outside of broiled foods and sealing in juices.
•Convection Bake: Heat is radiated from the U-shaped bake burner in
the bottom of the oven cavity and is circulated by the motorized fan in
the rear of the oven. It provides more even heat distribution
throughout the oven cavity for all uses. Multiple rack use is possible for
the largest baking job.
CCooookkiinngg SSuubbssttiittuuttee CChhaarrttss
In many cases, a recipe requires an ingredient which is not readily
available or calls for a unit of measure that is not easily recognized.
The following charts have been provided as useful guides in these
IInnggrreeddiieenntt SSuubbssttiittuutteess
Recipe calls for: Use:
1 Tbsp. cornstarch 2 Tbsp. flour (thickening)
1 whole egg 2 egg yolks plus 1 Tbsp. water
1 c. whole milk 1 c. skim milk plus 2 Tbsp.
margarine or
1/2 c. evaporated milk plus
1/2 c. water
1 oz unsweetened chocolate 3 Tbsp. cocoa powder plus
1 Tbsp. margarine
1 Tbsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar plus
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. butter 7 Tbsp. margarine or shortening
1 c. dairy sour cream 1 Tbsp. lemon juice plus
1 c. evaporated milk
CCaannnneedd FFoooodd SSiizzeess
Contents Sizes Contents
8 oz 1 cup No. 303 2 cups
Picnic 1 3/4 cups No. 2 2 1/2 cups
No. 300 1 3/4 cups No. 3 4 cups
No. 1 tall 2 cups No. 10 12 cups