
Clean greasy parts with a household grease solvent such as household
ammonia and water. If necessary, a soap filled steel wool pad can be
used on the grill frame shield, grill burner, and grill heat deflector.
After using the grill, always remove the drip pan located below it by
pulling the drip pan toward you. The drip pan needs to be cleaned
after each use of the grill. Wash in hot soapy water or with an
antibacterial cleaner. If grease is permitted to accumulate, fire hazard
could occur, since the grill burners are directly above the pan.
The grill grate may be cleaned immediately after cooking is complete
and before turning off the flame. Wearing a barbecue mitt to protect
your hand from heat, use a soft bristle barbecue brush to scrub the grill
grate. Dip the brush frequently in a bowl of water. Steam is created as
the water contacts the hot grate. The steam assists the cleaning
process by softening the food particles. For thorough cleaning of the
grill grate, soak 15 to 30 minutes in a hot water and detergent solution.
After soaking, scrub with a soft scotch brite
pad. DO NOT USE a
steel wool pad or abrasive cleaners. They could damage the porcelain
finish. To disassemble for thorough cleaning, remove parts after they
have cooled in the following order:
1. Grill grates
2. Smoke
3. Grill frame
4. Grill burner
5. Heat deflector
(Grill burner -
DDoo NNoott
GGrriiddddllee//SSiimmmmeerr PPllaattee
1. After using the griddle, always remove the drip pan located below it
by pulling the drip pan toward you. The drip pan needs to be
cleaned after each use of the griddle. Cooked-off grease will drain
from the griddle through the drain tube and accumulate in the drip
pan. Wash in hot soapy water or with an antibacterial cleaner. The
drip pan needs to be cleaned after each use. If grease is permitted
to accumulate, fire hazard could occur, since the griddle burners are
directly above the pan.
2. Rub the surface of a hot griddle with unsalted solid shortening,
vegetable oil or spray it with a non-stick cooking spray. Thoroughly
wipe it with a burlap or another rough cloth to remove food
particles and other residue.
3. Stubborn spots may be removed by rubbing the surface with a
rough grained nylon scrubbing pad with cooking oil. If necessary,
flush the surface of a warm griddle (200
C) with club soda and
wipe over entire surface with a paper towel. Coat lightly with
cooking oil.
4. Special griddle cleaners are commercially available which may be
used to remove heavy soil build-up. Follow manufacturer’s
directions exactly. Rinse the griddle with a vinegar and water
solution after using these cleaners, rinse with clear water, dry and
coat lightly with cooking oil. Use griddle stones only when
absolutely necessary and then with extreme caution. Wipe away
any griddle-stone dust and food particles and coat lightly with
cooking oil.
5. Using hot soapy water to clean the griddle will remove the cooked-
in seasoning and will require re-seasoning by coating lightly with
cooking oil.
NNeevveerr fflloooodd aa hhoott ggrriiddddllee wwiitthh ccoolldd wwaatteerr!!
This promotes griddle
warping and can cause the griddle plate to crack if continued over a
period of time.