Osprey 240e/450e User Guide
ViewCast 55
Osprey products impose restrictions on the possible width and/or height of the video, referred to as
granularity restrictions. For example, the I420 capture format requires that the capture width be a
multiple of 16 and the capture height be a multiple of 2. When video is cropped, they also impose a
requirement for alignment of the left side of the cropped video field. The specific requirements for
the 4.5 driver are changed from the 3.X.X driver versions.
The granularities for all products in Post Processing Mode are as follows:
The Granularity controls show you set restrictions for the selected video format, and assist you in
choosing crop and output sizes that observe those restrictions. Since alignment is the same for all
formats, there is no control for it.
Figure 50. Capture drop-down list
Because the preview and capture pins may be set to different color formats, they may have different
granularities. When the Size and Crop tab is opened, the Capture and Preview fields are initialized to
the current or most recently used format for the selected pin (Figure 50).
If your Pin Select setting is Capture, only the Capture granularity box is enabled; similarly for
Preview. The two small read-only edit boxes to the right of the group show the horizontal and
vertical granularities for the selected color format for the selected pin type.