Setting Driver Properties
54 ViewCast
Displays the full uncropped size of the incoming video. This read-only
information is determined by settings made on other tabs: the Input
tab and the RefSize tab.
This control helps you choose crop and output sizes that observe
those restrictions
When enabled, your video is cropped to the indicated boundaries.
When disabled, your video is not cropped regardless of any crop
settings you may have made previously.
Select the height and width of captured video.
Click OK to accept the settings.
Click Cancel to reject the settings and close the window.
Click Apply to apply the settings.
Click Help to access the user guide.
The default output size is the video size that appears in the DirectShow pin properties dialog as the
default choice. It is a pathway for setting a custom or nonstandard video size in applications that do
not have custom video sizing controls built into them.
Pin Select
You can have different setups for the two pins. For example, you could enable cropping on the
capture pin but not on the preview pin.
When you click Capture, the current crop settings for the capture pin
are loaded, and changes you make apply only to the capture pin, not
to the preview pin.
The Preview button works analogously.
When you click Both, changes you make to the crop setup apply to
both the capture and preview pins. This setting is the default.
Reference Size
The reference size information is always read-only on this dialog tab. It is determined by settings
made on other tabs – specifically, the Input tab, where a 525-line or 625-line standard is selected,
and the RefSize tab, where Square Pixel or CCIR proportioning is selected. The read-only text box
describes which of these options is currently governing the reference size.
The reference width and height represent the full uncropped size of the incoming video. Your crop
settings are interpreted relative to this reference size. For example, if you are capturing 525-line
video, with a reference size of 640 x 480, and your crop rectangle is (0, 0, 640, 480), and then your
video is effectively uncropped. But if you are capturing 625-line video, with a reference size of 768 x
576, the same (0, 0, 640, 480) crop specification truncate the right and bottom edges of the video.