17. To change the packet filtering settings, select the IP address
range on the Packet Filtering screen (see Figure 30 on
page 69) and click the Modify button.
18. To delete the packet filtering settings, select the IP address
range on the Packet Filtering screen (see Figure 30 on
page 69) and click the Delete button.
19. Click Apply. If the router displays a dialogue box that says
“Values are saved. Do you really want to reboot the system
now?” click OK. This will reboot the router and apply all
configuration changes.
NOTE: If the router does not prompt you to reboot it at the
end of the last configuration step, you must use the
reboot command. See Rebooting the Router on
page 77.
Router Maintenance Features
The System Information screen provides a quick snapshot of the
router’s status and configuration. Whenever you login to the
router, the System Information screen displays first.
Figure 32 System Information Screen
The System Information screen shows the following information: