Feedback to
The TR1 LonWorks option provides 16 output
variables to the network containing important
drive and motor feedback data. Feedback data
is sent when there is a change in value. The
drive will only transmit bound network variables.
Since some data changes continuously, the
transmission rate of those variables is limited.
Min send time specifies the minimum time
between transmissions of variables.
The Drive Outputs (1 or 3) will have a maximum
time between transmission set by the Max send
time. This function acts as a transmit heartbeat
and allows a controller node to determine the
health of the controller/TR1 connection. The Max
send time function is disabled when the
configuration network variable nciMaxsendT is
not configured or is set to “0.”
Drive status
NvoDrvStatus, nvoStatusWord, nvo-
DigitalInput, nvoAlarmWord, nvoWarning1 and
nvoWarning2 are all 16 bit Boolean values using
the SNVT_state variable type. Individual bits
represent specific drive status states. The tables
provided in Drive Status Bit Definitions define
each bit.
Drive output 1
Network variable nvoOutputPcnt provides an
analog indication of the drive's operation. In
open loop, this is the drive output frequency in
percentage within the reference range. To
avoid negative numbers, or numbers above
100%, set parameter 204, Min. Reference to
0 Hz, and parameter 205, Max. Reference
equal to Max. Frequency, set in parameter 202.
In closed loop, this is the drive's feedback signal
within the reference range. For best operation,
set Min. Reference to equal parameter 413,
Min. Feedback, and Max. Reference to equal
parameter 414, Max. Feedback.
Drive output 2 and Drive output 3
Output 2 is useful in open loop to report the
drive output frequency in tenths of a rad/sec.
Output 3 in open loop reports the drive output
in Hz. For best results, set Min. Reference to
0 Hz and Max. Reference equal to Max.
Frequency. These variable are rarely used in
closed loop.
Network Variable Outputs from TR1 Series VFD
Function SNVT Type Variable Name Units Min. Max.
Drive status SNVT_state nvoDrvStatus 16 Boolean NA NA
Drive output 1 SNVT_lev_percent nvoOutputPcnt 0.005% -163.840 163.840
Current* SNVT_amp nvoDrvCurnt 0.1 amps 0 3276.7
Energy* SNVT_elec_kwh nvoDrvEnrg 1 kWh 0 65535
Power* SNVT_power_kilo nvoDrvPwr 0.1 kW 0 6553.5
Status word SNVT_state nvoStatusWord 16 Boolean NA NA
Drive output 3 SNVT_freq_hz nvoOutputHz 0.1 Hz 0 6553.5
Output voltage SNVT_volt nvoVoltage 0.1 V 0 6553.5
Digital input SNVT_state nvoDigitalInput 16 Boolean NA NA
Alarm SNVT_state nvoAlarmWord 16 Boolean NA NA
Warning 1 SNVT_state nvoWarning1 16 Boolean NA NA
Warning 2 SNVT_state nvoWarning 2 16 Boolean NA NA
DC voltage SNVT_state nvoDCVolt 0.1 V 0 3276.7
Motor temp SNVT_lev_cont nvoTempMtr 0.5% 0 100
Inverter temp SNVT_lev_cont nvoTempInvtr 0.5% 0 100
Analog input
Term. 53
SNVT_volt nvoAnalog1 0.1 V 0 10
Analog input
Term. 54
SNVT_volt nvoAnalog2 0.1 V 0 10
Analog input
Term. 60
SNVT_amp_mil nvoAnalog3 0.1 mA 0 20
Running hours* SNVT_time_hour nvoDrvRunHours 1 hr 0 65534
Feedback SNVT_lev_percent nvoFeedback 0.01% 0 100.000
Frequency SNVT_freq_hz nvoOutputHz1 0.1 Hz 0 6553.5
Drive speed* SNVT_lev_percent nvoDrvSpeed 0.01% 0 100
Output voltage* SNVT_volt nvoDrvVolt 0.1 V 0 3276.7
*Part of the LonMark Functional Profile for Variable Speed Drive 6010 starting with version 1.1