Installation - Mechanical
Neither salt nor brackish water is recommended for use in Trane air-cooled Series R
chillers. Use of either will lead to a shortened life to an indeterminable degree. The
Trane Company encourages the employment of a reputable water treatment special
ist, familiar with local water conditions, to assist in this determination and in the
establishment of a proper water treatment program.
Using untreated or improperly treated water in these units may result in inefficient
operation and possible tube damage. Consult a qualified water treatment specialist to
determine whether treatment is needed. The following disclamatory label is provided
on each RTAC unit:
NOTE: The use of improperly treated or untreated water in this equipment may
result in scaling, erosion, corrosion, algae or slime. The services of a qualified water
treatment specialist should be engaged to determine what treatment, if any, is
advisable. The Trane Company warranty specifically excludes liability for corrosion,
erosion or deterioration of Trane equipment.
Water Pressure Gauges
Install field-supplied pressure components as shown in Figure 25. Locate pressure
gauges or taps in a straight run of pipe; avoid placement near elbows, etc. Be sure to
install the gauges at the same elevation on each shell if the shells have opposite-end
water connections.
Figure 25 Suggested Piping for Typical RTAC Evaporator
NOTE: Once the unit is installed at a site, one vertical or one diagonal unit support
can be permanently removed if it creates an obstruction for water piping.
To read manifolded pressure gauges, open one valve and close the other (depending
upon the reading desired). This eliminates errors resulting from differently calibrated
gauges installed at unmatched elevations.