Pre-Start Checkout
Hazardous Voltage w/Capacitors!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote disconnects before
servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout procedures to ensure the power
cannot be inadvertently energized. For variable frequency drives or other
energy storing components provided by Trane or others, refer to the
appropriate manufacturer’s literature for allowable waiting periods for
discharge of capacitors. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter that all
capacitors have discharged. Failure to disconnect power and discharge
capacitors before servicing could result in death or serious injury.
Note: For additional information regarding the safe discharge of
capacitors, see PROD-SVB06A-EN or PROD-SVB06A-FR
3. Connect the phase sequence indicator leads to the line Power terminal block, as
4. Turn power on by closing the unit supply power fused-disconnect switch.
5. Read the phase sequence on the indicator. The “ABC” LED on the face of the
phase indicator will glow if phase is “ABC.”
6. If the “CBA” indicator glows instead, open the unit main power disconnect and
switch two line leads on the line power terminal block(s) (or the unit mounted dis
connect). Re-close the main power disconnect and recheck the phasing.
Compressor Damage!
Do not interchange any load leads that are from the unit contactors or
the motor terminals. Doing so may damage the equipment.
7. Reopen the unit disconnect and disconnect the phase indicator.
Water System Flow Rates
Establish a balanced chilled water flow through the evaporator. The flow rates should
fall between the minimum and maximum values given on the pressure drop curves.
Chilled water flow rates below the minimum values will result in laminar flow, which
reduces heat transfer and causes either loss of EXV control or repeated nuisance, low
temperature, cutouts. Flow rates that are too high can cause tube erosion in the evap
Water System Pressure Drop
Measure water pressure drop through the evaporator at the field-installed pressure
taps on the system water piping. Use the same gauge for each measurement. Do not
include valves, strainers fittings in the pressure drop readings.
Pressure drop readings should be approximately those shown in the Pressure Drop
Charts in the Mechanical Installation section.
Phase Seq. Lead Terminal
Black (Phase A) L1
Red (Phase B) L2
Yellow (Phase C) L3