recording video file in the IP CAM before and after disconnected network.
) Note:
You can set alarm buffer at alarm buffer screen. (Please go “Setting → Advanced → Alarm Buffer →
Setting”) For more details, you can check Chapter 9.5.
¾ Effective Period: Set the period when the periodical sending is effective.
z Always: The periodical sending is always effective.
z Schedule: You can specify the period when the periodical sending is effective in the
Schedule setting in the other section.
) Note:
You can set schedule function at schedule screen. (Please go “Setting → Advanced → Schedule →
Setting”) For more details, you can check Chapter 9.4.
8.3.3 Periodical recording
You can set up to transmit image files to the network storage location periodically by selecting On.
¾ Image file name: Type the file name you want to assign to the file transmitted to the network
storage location. You can use up to 10 alphanumeric, - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) for naming.
¾ Suffix: Select a suffix to add to the file name
z Date & Time: The date & time suffix is added to the Image file name. The date & time suffix
consists of lower two-digits of year (2 digits), month (2 digits), date (2 digits), hour (2 digits),
minute (2 digits) and second (2 digits), and consecutive number (2 digits), thus 14-digit
number is added to the file name.
z Sequence number: A consecutive number is added to the Image file name.
z Sequence number clear: Click Clear and the suffix of the sequence number returns to 1.
¾ File Size: The file size of image or video clip transmitted to the network storage location can’t
over 50MB.