selected 320x240 or 640x480 at the same time.
¾ Quality:
z Auto: The quality and bit rate will be adjusted automatically according to the frame rate.
z Fixed Quality: Select the value of quality among Medium, Good, Delicate and Excellent.
z Fixed Bitrate: Set the bitrate of MJPEG image transmission for a line. You can select one
among 64Kbps, 128Kbps, 256Kbps, 384Kbps, 512Kbps, 768Kbps, 1Mbps, 1.5 Mbps, 2
Mbps, 3 Mbps, 4 Mbps, 5 Mbps, and 6 Mbps.
) Note:
Concerning how to select the suitable image quality for Fixed Quality or Fixed Bitrate, please refer to the
CHAPTER 9. APPENDIX / A. Frame-rate & Bitrate Table.
7.2.5 3GPP
¾ Viewer Authentication:
z On: If the viewer authentication is On, the users will be requested to key-in username and
password when using QuickTime Player to have live viewing.
z Off: If the viewer authentication is Off, you can have live viewing on computer by QuickTime
Player after entering “rtsp://ip:port/video.3gp” on the URL column directly.
¾ Image Size: Image size for 3GPP is 320 x 240 or160 x 120.
¾ Frame Rate: Set the frame rate of the 3GPP image. Choose one between 5 or 10 fps.
¾ Quality:
z Auto: The quality and bit rate will be adjusted automatically according to the frame rate.
z Fixed Quality: This item here can’t be selected.
z Fixed Bitrate: Set the bitrate of 3GPP image transmission for a line. You can select one
among 64Kbps, 48Kbps, 32Kbps, 16Kbps.
¾ IP Interval: It’s the ratio of i-frame & p-frame. You can select one among 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60,
and 120. The ratio smaller, the streaming smoother.