tightly or to pinch it by the carrying case or other object.
Starting the Computer With the Password
If you registered the password, you must enter the password to start up the computer. If you
forget the password, use the password service diskette For more information about how to
set a password and make the password service diskette, refer to the Password security
section in Chapter 11, Setup and Password Security.
To start up the computer with the password, follow these steps:
1. Turn on the computer as described in Chapter 4, Operating Basics and the following
message appears:
Password =
2. Enter the password.
3. Press Enter. The computer starts up.
If you have set a password and the computer boots by the Alarm
Power On function and AutoResume is on, the computer will start
with the instant security function enabled. The password =
message is not displayed; however, you must enter the password
to use the computer.
If you enter the password incorrectly three times in a row, the computer will halt. In this case
turn the power off and back on. Then try again.
If you forget the password, follow these steps:
1. Connect the exlternal 3 1/2” diskette drive and turn on the computer.
2. Insert the password service diskette in the drive. See the Password security section in
Chapter 11, Setup and Password Security, for details on how to create a password
service diskette.
If the computer is in Resume mode, the password service diskette
will not work when you turn on the power. In this case, press the
reset button.
3. Press Enter and the following message appears.