pressed. Used in combination with the Fn key, keys marked with icons execute specific
functions on the T2150CD series computer. See the section, Soft keys: Fn key
combinations, in this chapter. The function executed by individual keys depends on the
software you are using. Use the template, above the function keys, to identify the task the
function keys perform. Use a soft lead pencil to write on the template. Remove the template
to write or erase commands, because pencil lead and eraser dust can damage your T2150CD
series computer if it gets inside.
Dark Gray Keys
The dark gray function keys execute special computer functions.
The operating system or software application you are using determines the function of each
key. Some software packages alter how some keys work. Refer to your software
documentation for more information. Refer to your MS-DOS documentation for a complete
description of how each key functions in MS-DOS.
This section describes how the dark gray keys work in MS-DOS, and how some keys may
act when you use word processor and spreadsheet software.
The phrase “in MS-DOS,” indicates commands and data entered
at the MS-DOS prompt.
In MS-DOS, the tab key moves the cursor eight spaces to the right. Some software
packages use Shift + tab to move the cursor back to the previous tab position, but this
function does not operate in MS-DOS.
BkSp moves the cursor one character to the left and deletes the character.
Enter ends a line or screen input. This key is also referred to as the “return” key.