2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting
2-26 [CONFIDENTIAL] TECRA S3 Maintenance Manual (960-532)
Table 2-4 Printer port LED boot mode status (7/9)
LED Status Test item Contents
0Fh INIT_SYSTEM (Initialization of system)
Storing of CMOS error information to
Controlling CD POWER SW (model supporting CD
Timer initialization start
EC initialization & Reading of battery information
Update of system BIOS (Update EDID information for
10h INIT_DISPLAY (Waiting for VGA chip initialization completion, VGA
BIOS initialization)
Waiting for VGA power-on
Waiting for Display access completion
Calling VGA BIOS
13h DISP_LOGO (Logo displaying) (Starting of logo display waiting
LED=25H (unused))
14h SYS_MEM_CHECK (Check of conventional memory) (Boot)
15h EXT_MEM_CHECK (Exception check in protected mode) (Boot)
16h INIT_SYS_MEM (Initialization of conventional memory) (Reboot)
(LED=17h if error occurred during exception check in
protected mode)
18h CHK_DMA_PAGE (Check of DMA Page Register) (Boot)
19h CHECK_DMAC (Check of DMAC) (Boot)
1Ah INIT_DMAC (Initialization of DMAC) (Boot)
1Bh CHECK_PRT (Check of printer existence) (For models supporting
Printer port)
1Ch CHECK_SIO (Check of SIO) (model supporting SIO)
inspection result display
(When DIAGNOSTIC mode is permitted)
1Eh BOOT_PASSWORD (Check of password)
Waiting for FDD initialization completion (For models
supporting built-in FDD)
(In the case of “Reboot”) Waiting for HDD initialization completion
Check of key input during IRT (waiting for KBC
initialization completion)
I/O LOCK Processing (model supporting I/O LOCK)
Initialization of ATA priority