3. Tests and Diagnostics
Satellite A500D / Satellite A505D / Satellite A507D / Satellite Pro Series T&D
It will indicate whether the subtests pass or fail after three questions.
NOTE: The above figure has three compartments although the Touch Pad installed may
only have two buttons. In this case, the central compartment in the figure does not
correspond to any button.
3.11 LCD Pixels Mode Test
This LCD pixels mode test checks whether video display is fine.
This test includes two modes of the test:
1. Text Mode
- including 40*25 (16 colors) and 80*25 (2/16colors).
2. VGA Mode
- including 320*200 (4/16/256 colors), 640*200 (2/16 colors), 640*350 (2/16 colors),
640*480 (2/16/256 colors), 800*600 (256 colors) and 1024*768 (256 colors).
The screen should display as below, indicating whether the test is passed or failed after the