
Scan to File (Cont’d.)
Retrieving Your Scanned File
The next section outlines how to retrieve a scanned document from the hard drive of the
e-STUDIO device.
The following four screens simply show drilling down into the e-STUDIO hard disk drive
where the documents are stored. This process will only need to be done once so a shortcut
can be created on your desktop accessing the e-STUDIO device where your scanned
documents are temporarily stored.
1. Go to the Windows Start Menu.
2. Select the Search option.
3. Select the For File or Folders option and/or the For Computers option. (This is
dependent on which Microsoft Operating System you are running.)
4. Enter the name of the device or the IP address at the prompt and select Search Now
(please ask your administrator or trainer for the name of the e-STUDIO device or the
IP address).
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