Saber Operation Section 3-34
©2011 Alamo Group Inc.
8.8 Saber Flail
The Saber flail mower was designed for cutting brush and foliage up to 4 inches in diameter or multiple
branches that have a total cross section area equivalent to one 4 inch branch. Cutting multiple limbs at the
same time may overload the mower causing it to slow down or stall completely. Regardless of the size of
material being cut, the cutter shaft speed must be maintained. To ensure that the cutter shaft slows to the point
that the knives are folding back against the cutter shaft move the mower had away from the foliage and allow
the cutter shaft to regain full speed.
Operating the mower in a manner that allows the cutting knives to contact the drum will
cause permanent damage to the cutter shaft drum, knives, and knife arrachments.
The Saber flail cutter shaft is designed for standard rotation (same rotation) as the tractor
wheels during forward travel). Never operate the cutter shaft in the reverse rotation.
Operating this mower in reverse rotation may cause objects to be thrown out the front of
the mower head.
8.9 Saber Rotary
The Saber Rotary mower was designed for cutting brush and foliage up to 8 inches in diameter or multiple
branches that have a total cross section area equivalent to on 8 inch branch. Cutting multiple limbs at the same
time may overload the mower causing it to slow down or stall completely. Regardless of the size of material
being cut, the speed of the cutter head must be maintained. To ensure that the cutter head is running at
maximum speed, run the tractor at full throttle during mowing operations. If the cutter head slows to the point
that the knives are folding back, move the mower head away from the foliage and allow the cutter head to
regain full speed.
Operating the mower in a manner that allows the cutting knives to continually fold back
will cause permanent damage to the knives, rotary disk, and spindle assembly.
The Saber Rotary cutter head is designed for clockwise rotation (clockwise as seen from
the top of the cutter head). Never operate the cutter head in the counterclockwise rotation.
Operating this mower in counterwise rotation may cause objects to be thrown towards the
All Safety Shields, Guards and Safety devices including (but not
limited to) - the Deflectors, Chain Guards, Steel Guards, Gearbox
Shields, PTO integral shields, and Retractable Door Shields should
be used and maintained in good working condition. All safety
devices should be inspected carefully at least daily for missing or broken components.
Missing, broken, or worn items must be replaced at once to reduce the possibility of
injury or death from thrown objects, entanglement, or blade contact.