T6000 Saber Assembly Section 2-22
MAIN BOOM: “A” Port, Boom UP: 7-9 Seconds
(Note: Extend secondary boom completely; roll deck to be level with ground, and lower
main boom until deck is on ground. Now index main boom “up” function and determine the
time required for main boom to rise completely.)
“B” Port, Boom Down: 6-8 Seconds
(Note: Extend secondary boom completely, roll deck to be level with ground, and raise the
main boom to “full up”. Then index the main boom “down” function to determine the amount
of time required for the deck to contact the ground. CAUTION: Stop the boom just as the
deck contacts the ground.)
BOOM: “A” Port, Boom Out: 8-10 Seconds
(Position main boom full up, roll deck out until deck cylinder is fully retracted, and bring
secondary boom in completely. Then index the secondary boom “out” function and determine
the time required for boom to extend out completely.)
“B” Port, Boom In: 8-10 Seconds
(Position the main boom full up, roll deck out until deck cylinder is fully retracted, and
extend secondary boom completely. Then index the secondary boom “in” function and
determine the time required for boom to come in.)
DECK ROLL: “A” Port, Deck Out: 7-9 Seconds
(Raise main boom to vertical, extend secondary boom out slightly so that deck can be
articulated without contacting the main boom, and roll deck in until deck cylinder is completely
extended. Then index the deck roll “out” function and determine the time required for the
deck to roll out.)
“B” Port, Deck In: Target 7-9 Seconds (but DO NOT use Limit
(Raise main boom to vertical, extend secondary boom out slightly so that deck can be
articulated without contacting the main boom, and roll deck out until deck cylinder is
completely retracted. Then index the deck roll “in” function and determine the time required
for the deck to roll in.)
SWIVEL: “A” Port, Boom Aft: 11-13 Seconds
(Extend booms completely; rotate head to be level with ground, lower main boom until deck
is just above ground, and swivel boom full forward. Then index the boom swivel “aft”
function and determine the time required for the boom to swivel aft. Use caution when doing
this, stop boom before main boom contacts tire.)
“B” Port, Boom Forward: 11-13 Seconds
(Extend booms completely, rotate head to be level with ground, lower main boom until deck
is just above ground, and swivel boom aft and until near tire. Then index the boom swivel
“forward” function and determine the time required for the boom to swivel full forward.)