DOS/4GW: A memory extender that is bound with the DOS version of the
TMS470R1x code generation tools.
The executable DOS/4GW file is not
shipped separately but is embedded within the other executables
. Error
messages from DOS/4GW are included in Appendix A,
DOS Systems
, to assist you in debugging. If you receive one of these
error messages, contact technical support for assistance, and remember
that the tools are shipped as object files with the memory extender
DOS/16M: The executable filename for a tool that is embedded in the
TMS470R1x code generation tools. You may occasionally see this term
in an error message. If so, see Appendix A,
Troubleshooting DOS
, for the appropriate action.
environment variables: System symbols that you define and assign to a
string. They are usually included in batch files (for example, .cshrc).
interlist utility: A compiler utility that inserts as comments your original C
source statements into the assembly language output from the assem-
bler. The C statements are inserted next to the equivalent assembly
linker: A software program that combines object files to form an object mod-
ule that can be allocated into system memory and executed by the de-
lnk470: The name of the command that invokes the linker for the
optimizer: A software tool that improves the execution speed and reduces
the size of C programs.
options: Command parameters that allow you to request additional or
specific functions when you invoke a software tool.