Media Contents
Release Notes
Table 6–2. Media Contents for PCs
File Description
readme.1st Online release bulletin
abs470.exe Absolute lister
ac470.exe ANSI C parser
ar470.exe Archiver
asm470.exe Assembler
cg470.exe Code generator
cl470.exe Compiler shell program
clist.exe C source interlist utility
hex470.exe Hex conversion utility
intvecs.asm Sample interrupt vector setup file
lnk470.exe COFF linker
lnk16.cmd Sample 16-bit linker command file
lnk32.cmd Sample 32-bit linker command file
mk470.exe Library-build utility
opt470.exe C optimizer
Utility to measure protected/real-mode switching
rts16.lib 16-bit runtime-support library
rts32.lib 32-bit runtime-support library
rts.src C runtime-support source library
xref470.exe Cross-reference utility
*.h #include header files for RTS:
assert.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h
ctype.h math.h stddef.h string.h
errno.h setjmp.h stdio.h time.h
This file is included only in the tool kit for PCs running DOS.