Models T803, 803E Appendix A Menu Trees (Reference: 06763C DCN6418) Appendix A
Error! Unknown document property name.Error! Unknown document property name. A-27
APPENDIX A-6: Terminal Command Designators, Software Versions 1.0.3 (T-Series)/A.3 (E-Series)
Table A-7: Terminal Command Designators
? [ID]
Display help screen and commands list
password Establish connection to instrument
Terminate connection to instrument
SET ALL|name|hexmask Display test(s)
LIST [ALL|name|hexmask] [NAMES|HEX] Print test(s) to screen
name Print single test
T [ID]
CLEAR ALL|name|hexmask Disable test(s)
SET ALL|name|hexmask Display warning(s)
LIST [ALL|name|hexmask] [NAMES|HEX] Print warning(s)
name Clear single warning
W [ID]
CLEAR ALL|name|hexmask Clear warning(s)
ZERO|LOWSPAN|SPAN [1|2] Enter calibration mode
ASEQ number Execute automatic sequence
COMPUTE ZERO|SPAN Compute new slope/offset
EXIT Exit calibration mode
C [ID]
ABORT Abort calibration sequence
LIST Print all I/O signals
name[=value] Examine or set I/O signal
LIST NAMES Print names of all diagnostic tests
ENTER name Execute diagnostic test
EXIT Exit diagnostic test
RESET [DATA] [CONFIG] [exitcode] Reset instrument
PRINT ["name"] [SCRIPT] Print DAS configuration
RECORDS ["name"] Print number of DAS records
REPORT ["name"] [RECORDS=number] [FROM=<start
date>][TO=<end date>][VERBOSE|COMPACT|HEX]
(Print DAS records)(date format: MM/DD/YYYY(or YY)
Print DAS records
D [ID]
CANCEL Halt printing DAS records
LIST Print setup variables
name[=value [warn_low [warn_high]]] Modify variable
name="value" Modify enumerated variable
CONFIG Print instrument configuration
MAINT ON|OFF Enter/exit maintenance mode
V [ID]
MODE Print current instrument mode
DASBEGIN [<data channel definitions>] DASEND Upload DAS configuration
CHANNELBEGIN propertylist CHANNELEND Upload single DAS channel
CHANNELDELETE ["name"] Delete DAS channels
The command syntax follows the command type, separated by a space character. Strings in [brackets] are
optional designators. The following key assignments also apply.