401-405 SERIES - 9 - Voltage output
If the flow meter is configured for a voltage output, the signal will be available as a positive potential on
pin 4 relative to pin 3 of the terminal strip. Since these pins are galvanically isolated, the signal cannot
be read by an indicator between pin 4 and pin 1 of the terminal strip. Pin 3 must be used as the return
to properly read the output on pin 4. If an output that is referenced to power supply common is desired
then pins 3 and 1 must be connected. It is recommended that these signals be transmitted through
shielded cable, especially for installations where long cable runs are required or if the cable is located
near equipment that emits RF energy or uses large currents.
Note: When the meter is configured with a voltage output it cannot generate a signal that is more than a
few mV below the zero volt value; therefore the 0-5 volt and 0-10 volt units are limited in their ability to
indicate a negative flow with the analog signal.
2.6. Digital Connection
The digital signals are available on a sealed female D-coded M12 connector that is designed for use on
industrial Ethernet connections. There are many options for connecting to the M12. Hastings offers an
8 foot cable (stock# CB-RS232-M12) with a compatible male M12 connector to a 9-pin D connector
suitable for connecting the 400 I series instrument directly to the RS232 port on a PC. A cable to
convert USB to RS232 9-pin is available from Hastings (stock# CB-USB-RS232). Also, a 5 meter M12
male–male cable suitable for digital communications can be purchased from Hastings (stock# CB-
ETHERNET-M12). Other length cables are available from Lumberg (#0985 342 100/5 M) or Phoenix.
Converters from the M12 connector to a standard modular Ethernet connector are available from
Hastings or from Lumberg (#0981 ENC 100). A compatible M12 connector suitable for field wiring
can be acquired from Harting (21 03 281 1405) or Mouser (617-21-03-281-1405).
The pin-out for the digital connector is shown in Figure 2-5.
RX- (B)
TX- (B)
TX+ (A)
RX+ (A)
2.7. Digital Configuration
A Hastings 400-I Series flow meter is available with one
of three digital communications interfaces, RS232,
RS485, or Ethernet. Unless specified differently at the
time of ordering, the flow meter is configured for RS232
operation. For each interface, there are changes that can
be made to the configuration, either via software or
hardware settings. A brief overview of these is included
here. For more detailed information, consult the
Hastings 400 Series Software Manual.
2.7.1. RS-232
The default configuration for the RS-232 interface is
19200 baud, 8 data bits, no–parity, one stop bit. The
baud rate is software selectable and can be overridden
by a hardware setting. Hardware settings for RS-232 and RS-485 are enacted on 12 pin jumper field
located on the left end of the top circuit board in the electronics enclosure. Only the state of jumpers 1,
2, and 5 affect the RS-232 operation. These jumpers are installed vertically over two pins when enabled
and are numbered from left to right. Jumper 1 must be disabled for RS-232; jumper 2 is used to select
Enabled Disabled
1 RS485 RS232
2 Half Duplex Full Duplex
3 TX Terminated
4 RX Terminated
5 9600 Baud Software Selected
6 Addr = 99 Software Selected
Figure 2-6 Functions for digital jumper field
Figure 2-5 Digital connector pin-out