401-405 SERIES - 5 -
2.4. Mounting the Electronics Remotely
In order to maintain the integrity of the Electrostatic Discharge
immunity both parts of the remote mounted version of the HFM-
I-400 instrument must be screwed to a well grounded structure.
The ferrite that is shipped with the instrument must be installed
on the cable next to the electronics enclosure.
The electronics enclosure can be separated
and relocated up to 30 feet away from the
flow meter base. This requires a cable which
is supplied with the instrument if ordered as
a cable mounted unit. Alternatively, a 2, 5,
or 10 meter cable can be purchased
separately. See section 4.2 for ordering
information and part numbers.
When remote mounting the electronics
enclosure, the support bracket can remain
attached to either the flow meter base or the
electronics. To separate the electronics
enclosure from the support bracket, remove
the two screws located on the back of the
support bracket. To separate the flow meter
base from the support bracket, remove the
four screws that mount the bracket to the top
of the flow meter base. Unscrew the
electrical connector between electronics enclosure and the flow meter base. Remove the electronics
enclosure from the flow meter base. Connect the female end
of the remote electronics cable to the flow meter base and
the male end to the electronics enclosure. The electronics
enclosure can be mounted remotely by using the two
threaded holes in the enclosure. The size and spacing of
these two holes are specified on the outline drawing in
Appendix 3 (Section 6.3). These holes may be used by
inserting fasteners from behind through a new mounting
bracket or they may be accessed from the front side by
temporarily removing the enclosure panel. This enables
mounting the enclosure to a wall or other solid structure.
Alternatively, if the instrument was originally configured as
a bracket mounted unit the bracket may be directly
mounted to a support structure. The bracket mounting
holes locations are the same as those for the flow meter base
mounting. (See the outline drawing in Appendix 3, Section
2.5. Electrical Connection
There are two electrical connectors on the Hastings 400-I
Series flow meters—an analog terminal strip (located
within the electronics enclosure) and a digital connector.
The analog connector provides for the power supply to
the meter along with analog signals and functions. As
such, its use is required for operation. The digital
connector is used for communications in either of RS232,
RS485, or Ethernet mode depending on the instrument’s
configuration. The digital connector does not have to be used if the meter is operated as an analog-
only instrument.
1 - Power Supply
2 + Power Supply
3- Flow Output
4+ Flow Output
5 + Auxiliary Input
6 - Auxiliary Input
7No Connection
8 Digital Common
9 Remote Zero
10 Alarm 1
11 Alarm 2
12 Alarm Common
Terminal Strip Pin-out
(Pins numbered right to left as
viewed from the front)
Figure 2-2 Electrical
connections for analog
inputs/outputs and power
Figure 2-1 Accessing the terminal strip