2101 Field Wizard
Section 3 Operation
3.3.2 Communication
During the connection process, Flowlink checks the stability of
the site’s communications. If communication is found to be
unstable, Flowlink presents the Communication Resolution
There are two common causes of unstable communications. One
cause is a Module Name conflict, which may occur when two or
more modules at a site use the same module name. The second
cause is a Site Name conflict, which occurs when a module added
to the site indicates that it belongs to a different site.
The Communications Resolution window lets you choose how the
modules should be reconfigured and which Site Name should be
retained. To resolve the communications, select the sites and
modules that should be reconfigured and click the OK button. Be
aware that reconfiguring a module removes the Site Name,
Module Name, program settings, and any stored data. The
module is then restarted with the stable Site’s Name, a default
Module Name, and default program settings, and the data
storage is ready to accept new data.
3.3.3 Site and Module Name The Field Wizard is shipped with a default site and module name
so it can immediately begin to communicate with Flowlink. You
can change the names to something more descriptive using the
Site Name and Module Name fields on the Site Info tab in
Keep in mind that the names must be unique among the other
site and module names in the open Flowlink database. Site
names can be up to 37 characters long. Any character may be
used in the name except:
/ forward slash \ back slash
: colon * asterisk
? question mark “ double-quote
< left angle bracket > right angle bracket