2101 Field Wizard
Section 2 Preparation and Installation
Click the large Field Wizard button to connect. Flowlink will
read the 2101 system information and try to match it with an
existing site in the open database. It will then display the Site
Info tab of the Site Window (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3 Flowlink Site Info Screen
Complete the following steps:
1. Click the Synchronize Instrument’s Time to Com-
puter’s button to synchronize the Field Wizard’s time to
that of your PC. (If you are using multiple PCs, select just
one PC to synchronize with.)
2. The Field Wizard is shipped with default site and module
names. Use the Site Name and Module Name fields if
you want to provide more descriptive names. Select Apply
(F9) to write that information to the instrument.
3. Although data has not yet been collected, you need to click
Retrieve Data (F8). This transfers a file containing site
interrogation times from Flowlink to the Field Wizard.
With this information, the Field Wizard will know when
data was last retrieved from your site(s). When brought to
a site, the Field Wizard will then retrieve only the neces-
sary data.
4. Select Disconnect to end your PC session and disconnect
the Field Wizard.
2.4 Connecting To a Site Once you have connected the Field Wizard to Flowlink and set up
the initial configuration, you can connect the Field Wizard to a
site and retrieve data.
The Field Wizard module connects to the top of a 2100 Series
stack, which may contain multiple modules. The steps shown in
Sections 2.4.1 - 2.4.3 illustrate how to operate latches and con-
nectors and connect the Field Wizard to the site.