Models 150, 152, 162, 168 Limited Warranty on Equipment
Section 10 Limited Warranty on Equipment
Taylor Company, a division of Carrier Commercial Refrigeration, Inc. (“Taylor”) is pleased t o provide this lim ited
warranty o n new Taylor-branded freezer equipm ent available f rom Taylor to the m arket generally (the “Product”)
to the original purchaser only.
Taylor warrants the Product against failure due to def ect in materials or workmanship under normal use and
service as follows. All warranty periods begin on the date of original P roduct i nstallation. If a part fails due to
defect during the applicable warranty period, Taylor, through an authorized Taylor distributor or service agency,
will provide a new or re- manufactured part, at Taylor’s option, to replace the failed defective part at no charge f or
the part. Except as otherwise stated herein, these a re Taylor’s exclusive obligations under this lim ited warranty for
a Product failure. This limited warranty is subject to all provisions, conditions, limitations and exclusions listed
below and on the reverse (if any) of this document.
Part Limited Warranty Period
Soft Serve
Frozen Yogurt
Frozen Beverage
Batch Desserts
Insulated shell assembly Five (5) years
Refrigeration compressor
(except service valve)
Five (5) y ears
Beater motors Two ( 2) years
Beater drive gear Two (2) y ears
Printed c ircuit boards and
Softech controls beginning
with serial number H8024200
T wo (2) years
Parts not otherwise listed in
this table or excluded below
One (1) year
1. If the date of original installation of the Product cannot be verified, then the limited war ranty period begins
ninety (90) day s from the date of Product manufacture ( as indicated b y the Product serial number). Proof of
purchase may be required at time o f service.
2. This limited war ranty i s valid only if the P roduct i s installed and all required s ervice wor k on the Product is
performed b y an authorized Taylor distributor or service agency, and only if genuine, new Taylor parts ar e
3. Installation, use, care, and maintenance must be nor mal and in accordance wit h all ins tructions c ontained in
the Taylor Operator’s M anual.
4. Defective parts must be returned to the authorized Taylor distributor or service agency for credit.
5. The u se of any refrigerant other than that specified on the Product’s data label will void this limited warranty.
This limited war ranty does not
1. Labor or other costs incurred for diagnosing, repairing, r emoving, installing, shipping, servicing or handling of
defective parts, replacement parts, or new Products.
2. Normal maintenance, cleaning and lubrication a s outlined in the Tay lor Operator’s M anual, including c leaning
of condensers.