Models 150, 152, 162, 168 Operating Procedures
Step 6
Slide the rear drip pan into the hole in the s ide panel.
Figure 40
Closing Procedure
To disassemble the Models 150/152/162/168, the
following items will be needed:
S T wo cleaning pails
S Sanitized stainless steel rerun c an with lid
S Necessary brushes (provided with freezer)
S Cleaner
S Single s ervice towels
Draining Product From the
Freezing Cylinder
Step 1
Place the power switch in the “OFF” position as far
ahead of cleaning time as possible. This will allow
frozen pr oduct to soften for easier c leaning.
Step 2
Lift the hopper cover. Remove the feed tube and mix
level float. Take them to the sink for cleaning.
Step 3
If local health codes permit the use of rerun,place
a sanitized, NSF approved stainless steel rerun
container beneath the door spout. Place the power
switch in the “WASH” position and raise the draw
valve. When allthe product stops flowing from the door
spout, lower the drawvalve andplace the powerswitch
in the “OFF” position. Place a sanitized lid on the rerun
container and place it in the walk- in cooler.
(Note: For additional information regarding the proper
use of rerun, see item 5 on page 27.)
Note: If local health codes DO NOT permit theuse
ofrerun, the productmust bediscarded. Follow the
instructions in the previous step, except drain the
product into a pail and properly dis card the m ix.
Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the second freezing
cylinder on Models 162/168.
Step 1
Pour one gallon (3.8 liters) of cool, clean water into the
mix hopper. With the brushes provided, scrub the mix
hopper, the mix level float stem and the mix inlet hole.
Step 2
With a pail beneath the door spout, place the power
switch in the “WASH” position and raise the draw
valve. Drain all the rinse water from the freezing
cylinder. When the rinse water stops flowing from the
door spout, lower the draw valve and place the power
switch in the “OFF” pos ition.
Repeat this procedure until the rinse water being
drawn from t he freezing c ylinder is clear.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the second freezing cylinder
on M odels 162/168.
Step 1
Prepare an approved cleaning solution (examples:
Kay- 5R or Stera- SheenR). USE WARM WATER
Step 2
Pour one gallon (3.8 liters) of the cleaning solution into
the mix hopper and allow it to flow into the freezing
Step 3
While the solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder ,
brush- clean the mix hopper, m ix lev el float stem and
mix inlet hole.
Step 4
Place the power switch in the “WASH” position. This
will cause the cleaning solution in the freezing cylinder
to agitate.