
80 Installing UNIX agents
Installing an agent in silent mode
Table 4-2 describes the settings that are used with the installation commands.
Table 4-2 UNIX agent installation settings
Setting Default Description
-help none You can run the installer with the –help
switch to get a list of all the switches.
-version none Displays the installation package version
information. Installation does not occur.
-silent Interactive Installs silently without user prompts.
Uses default settings if they are not set
by installation options.
-reboot No reboot Initiates an automatic restart after
installation completes if intrusion
prevention is enabled after installation.
-server=<addr> The management server IP address or
fully qualified host name.
none A comma-separated list of alternate
management servers. For each alternate
management server, specify the IP
address or fully qualified host name.
See “About simple failover” on page 25.
-prefix=<dir> /opt/Symantec The installation directory prefix for the
<prefix dir>/scspagent subdirectory.
-logdir=<dir> /var/log/scsplog The installation directory prefix for the
<prefix dir>/scsplog subdirectory. If the
directory does not exist, it is created.