
103Migrating to the latest version
Migrating legacy installations of Symantec Critical System Protection
If you changed the name of the database owner account during a Production
installation, you should enter that account name during the upgrade as well.
You should not use the sa account during the upgrade.
Unattended Windows agent migration
You can perform an unattended migration of Windows agents using the
agent.exe or agent-windows-nt.exe executable and InstallShield and Windows
Installer commands.
The following examples show a command string:
agent.exe /s /v"/qn /l*v!+ %temp%\SISAgentSetup.log"
agent-windows-nt.exe /s /v"/qn /l*v!+ %temp%\SISAgentSetup.log"
See “Unattended agent installation” on page 59.
Specifying the management server list for an agent
This section explains how to use the agent config tool to specify the primary
management server and optional alternate management servers for an agent.
See “About simple failover” on page 25.
You use the agent config tool to do the following:
After upgrading to Symantec Critical System Protection agent 5.1.1 or
higher, add alternate management servers to an agent’s configuration
Change the primary or alternate management servers used by an agent
Change the fail back interval used by an agent
Display the current management server list and fail back interval used by
an agent
Test the connection information for a management server
The agent config tool is located in the following directories on an agent
On Windows, sisipsconfig.exe is located in the agent/ips/bin directory.
On UNIX-based operating systems, the sisipsconfig tool is named
sisipsconfig.sh. It is located in the agent/ips directory.