Click the
Wrap Around On box to enable data wrap around. When the Stingray data log is full, and wrap
around is enabled, the Stingray will overwrite the oldest data at the beginning of the log. This allows the
Stingray to always have a record of the most recent flow events. If this option is unchecked (deselected),
the Stingray will stop logging when the data log is full and keep the log in memory until a new log is
Ensure that communications
settings are properly configured
under the
Communications /
Connection Setup
Connect a Stingray using the
RS232 cable supplied.
Click the Retrieve Log
icon or select
Data Logging /
Retrieve Log
from the drop
drown menu. Greyline Logger
will download the log file and a
graph window will open.
Click and drag the mouse
pointer across a section of the
graph to zoom in or press the
Zoom In icon to view portions
of the flow log.
Click the
Show Data Table icon or select View / Data Table drop down menu to open a table view
of the log file.
File/Save to save a copy of the log file (with a .DAT file extension). The file can be reopened
File/Open menu.
Page 13
Stingray Level-Velocity Logger
Manual Series A.3