22 CCoonnssoollee OOppeerraattoorr’’ss GGuuiiddee ((ccoonnttiinnuueedd))
ue/FX Send Master Controls 2-29
Foldback and Headphone Outputs 2-29
Stereo Return Channels 2-30
Misc Options 2-31
Communications 2-32
scillator 2-33
LFE Channel 2-34
Mix Reassign Matrix 2-34
Stereo Mix Matrix 2-34
Group Control Faders 2-35
Section Metering 2-36
Meter Options 2-37
33 DDAAWW CCoonnttrrooll GGuuiiddee
Introduction 3-1
DAW Controller features summary 3-1
Communication with the DAW 3-1
Overview 3-2
D-pots 3-2
Console Focus Button 3-2
Master Control Panel 3-3
Channel Banking Controls 3-3
DAW Window Buttons 3-3
Digital ‘In-line’ Mode 3-3
DAW Utility Buttons 3-4
Modifier Buttons 3-4
Default Button 3-5
Channel Functions 3-6
DAW Meters 3-6
Channel Fader 3-6
Channel Solo and Cut Panel 3-7
Channel D-pot 3-7
Solo and Cut Buttons 3-7
Solo Isolate 3-7
Channel Select Button 3-7
Scribble Strip Displays 3-7
Record Ready Mode 3-8
Edit Mode 3-8
Select Mode 3-9
Working with the Channel D-pots 3-9
Pan Mode 3-9
Channel Mode 3-9
Send Mode 3-9
Setting Sends Pre/Post Fader 3-10
Muting a Send Output 3-10
Flipping Send Levels to the Faders 3-10
Table of Contents
Duality Operator’s Manual