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Trim status (AKA Relative) originates from VCA (non-moving fader) automation systems and uses the fader to
add or subtract level from existing moves. It achieved this by setting up a ‘null’ fader position and then any
ubsequent moves trim the existing data by the amount of positive or negative change from the null point. Trim
is useful, for example, when you have a automated a complex vocal line that needs raising by 2dB. Rather
than trying to re-write all the moves again, simply rollback, hit the TRIM button (in the ‘AUTOMATION’ group),
and then move the fader up by 2dB. Locate to the end of the vocal line that needs this level increase, and
press the END button to commit the trim to a Mix Pass.
The red (upper) line in this illustration shows the effect of
the trim.
Once the TRIM function is active (button is lit), faders can be put into Trim status at anytime in Mix Running or
in Mix Review, except during the first pass of a new mix. Trim is indicated by the green status LED next to the
fader. When Trim is available at the start of an Update Mix, the FSM soft key will toggle all faders between
Replay and Trim.
Trim can be used with the fader motors on or off (see Motors Off). If the motors are on, the null point will be
the fader position prior to selecting the fader status button, or touching the fader. If the motors are off, the fader
can be positioned at any suitable reference point on the scale, before entering Trim update status by pressing
the fader status button. Duality’s automation system features SSL’s ‘auto-nulling’ feature so that each time Trim
is re-enabled, a new null point is set. When writing a trimmed move, the trim value in dBs is displayed in the
scribble strip above the fader.
Using the Autotakeover and Snap functions (see below) in conjunction with a Trim update allows a seamless
or smooth return to the stored mix data.
When Join is used with faders in Trim at the rollback point, any Trim offset will be retained and written from the
point that the JOIN button is pressed. Revise returns any fader in Trim at the rollback point back to write but
with a new null point to avoid a level jump.
ew Automation
Duality Operator’s Manual