Control Base Address
Every register address is decided based on the base
address found in the CommandRegsBase field of
ConfigROM. F0F00000h is the control base address
on this camera.
Inquiring Supported
Video Modes
First, we will find out what video formats are
Address Data
F0F00100h 80000000h
We find that Format0 is supported.
Next, for each format, we will find out which video
modes are supported.
Address Data
F0F00180h 06000000h
We find video modes 5 and 6 of Format0 are supported.
Next, for each video mode, we will find out which
frame rates are supported.
Address Data
F0F00214h 1C000000h
F0F00218h 18000000h
Based on the data above, the formats, modes, and
frame rates supported are shown in the tables below.
Video modes supported
FrameRate PacketSize (bytes)
Format Mode ImageSize ColorCoding 60 30 15 7.5 3.75
05640 × 480 Mono8 aaa××
2560 1280 640
6 640 × 480 Mono16 × aa××
2560 1280